Ear Clinic, Brenda Tullio, Doctor of Audiology in Meaford
On October 12 at 9:30 AM
10 Cool facts about hearing – some may surprise you! http://www.hearingaids.com/about-hearing-loss/how-we-hear/10-cool-facts-about-hearing/

Ear Clinic, Brenda Tullio, Doctor of Audiology in Meaford
On October 09 at 9:15 AM
Go NUTS for your Hearing Health! Nuts contain magnesium, and studies show this can help prevent the most common type of hearing loss, noise induced hearing loss. Allergic to nuts? You can also find magnesium in yogurt, bananas and potatoes.

Ear Clinic, Brenda Tullio, Doctor of Audiology in Meaford
On October 02 at 9:15 AM
Recipe for healthy ears! Adding certain nutrients to your diet, like folate and omega 3 fatty acids, is not only healthy for your body, but it may also help reduce age-related hearing loss. http://www.eatingwell.com/nutrition_health/healthy_aging/hard_of_hearing_eat_this

Ear Clinic, Brenda Tullio, Doctor of Audiology in Meaford
On September 30 at 10:23 AM
Have you Heard? The Ear Clinic is moving! Our new address is 46 Nelson St W (across the street from our old location and we will be closed while we move). Effective October 5th, come visit us at our new location. 226-909-0966

Ear Clinic, Brenda Tullio, Doctor of Audiology in Meaford
On September 25 at 9:30 AM
Many Musicians are suffering from hearing loss and tinnitus as a direct result of their careers. If your passion is to make music, make sure you are protecting your ears! http://www.healthyhearing.com/report/52318-Hear-this-12-celebrity-musicians-with-hearing-loss

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