Simply Unique Flowers & Gifts
Blooming Plants for Mother's Day! Gardenia
Just Because Floral Arrangement
Thinking of You (More Than Words)
Wax Flower Hoya Carnosa Fresh Cut
~Christmas ~Silks
~Christmas ~Silks Arrangements
16 local business offering $25.00 gift certificates ! Tickets only $1.00
17 oz ceramic mug with lid and decorative early for Christmas!
a new twist on old fashion rose bowls!
All white fresh an oval unique basket, how stunning
Alstromeria Special $ 15.00 bunch
Anniversary arrangement
As time goes by James Lumbers
Assortment of Birch Bark Pumpkin's have arrived
Baby boy arrangement
Baby's Breath
Beautiful Blooming Plants! Mandevilla
Beautiful Fresh Arrangement perfect for Mother's Day
Beautiful Fresh Lilly Arrangement
Beautiful Mugs
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