About Us

Jim Clarke Well Drilling Ltd  has successfully  operated for over  41 years.

As well as drilling water wells using the cable tool method, they also install complete water systems.  Pumps are sized to to meet the requirements of your well depth, pump rate, pumping level etc.  Water conditioning equipment is also customized to meet your particular needs.

Jim Clarke well drilling is also available to Realtors to do pump test and well inspections.

We are a registered Grundfos pump dealer.

We are always available to provide prompt, experienced service for any and all your water problems or questions.  They are available for emergency calls if the need arises.

They are Licensed under he MOE as required, also a member of the Ontario Ground Water Association.

If you have something that you need help with, bad pump, no water, too much iron, too soft, too hard, they will work with you to get the best end results.  They keep up to date with the newest technologies and products on the market, so they can service you the best way possible.

They look forward to helping you with your water needs soon!  Please call the office as oppose to emailing us. 

Thank You!