About Us

     Head to a cozy spa ; a relaxing haven in the beautiful town of Meaford Ont ;In the comfortable treatment rooms ;candlelight flickers while soothing music plays quietly in the background while the room is infused with calming scents of lavenderand chamomile which leave you feeling relaxed and restored .

In our new location you will now be treated to our state of the art wellness center featuring our new infered sauna ,and Ionic foot baths in your own private room .We have built this world class spa for our town and our clients ,you don't have have to travel far to get world class treatment .

Please visit our new spa boutique featuring all of the up to date fashion designer hand bags ,reading glasses and of course the latest in sunglasses ,our skin care line is second to none ,here at Solitudes we carry only the best products to please our clients ,Clayton Schagal ,Nature Med and RVB ,and Australian Gold for more info on our product lines drop in see one of our skin care professionals they will be certain to guide you in the right direction .

Here at Solitudes we also have a state of the art Tanning Salon ,so when those long dark winter days give you winter blahs come is and have a tan in one of our brand new tanning beds ,or if you want to get a jump on that perfect southern winter vacation ,we have great deals on tanning packages for you ! please visit our website for more details on prices and services we provide at www.solitudesthespa.com