Flea Control
Flea Facts
The name fleas refers to many species including dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) and cat fleas (Ctenocephalides canis). They are parasites that feed off of blood, both human and animal, by piercing the skin from the outside and sucking blood. Fleas are wingless, dark colored bugs that range in size from 1/16 to 1/8 inch. Because they do not have wings, fleas travel from hosts by hopping. They can hop up to 7 inches in the air.
What Are Fleas?
Fleas are a pest that many pet owners have had to deal with at some point in time. Because many species of fleas prefer to feed off of animals, pets are the most common meathod for fleas to infest a household. Although fleas prefer animals, once inside a home they will often bite and feed off of humans as well.
An adult flea is a small reddish-brown bug that is laterally compressed. This means that the bug is not very wide in order for it to move more easily between the hairs of animals. Fleas also have small spines on their body's that prevent them from being brushed off of the host. Additionally, a flea has a hard outer body that prevents it from being smashed. Because of these adaptations, it can be difficult to kill them.
Flea Infestation
Although there are several ways for fleas to enter your home, pets are often the initial cause. Pets are first infested by fleas while outside or while in contact with another animal that already has fleas. Flea infestations are most easily found by an examination of your pet. If you dog or cat seems to be itching more than usual, you should check for fleas. If fleas are found on your pet, you should move to checking your home to see if the infestation has spread. You can also detect an infestation by seeing a flea in your home or feeling a bite.
How to Get Rid of Fleas
If you are able to identify a flea infestation, there are several steps to take. First, call your veterinarian in order to find out the best flea treatment options for your pet. Next move on to checking your home for an infestation. You should thoroughly clean the home, especially areas where your pet spends a lot of time. Make sure to wash linens and dog beds in order to kill possible fleas. Because flea infestations can be difficult to maintain, it is a good idea to call your pest control expert in order to ensure that the problem is handled correctly.
Date Added | 2014-02-06 |
Product Id | 10209970 |