We strive to keep our carbon footprint as minimal as possible. What are you doing to minimize yours? http://theco-op.ca/1OZsbWp

Why are we different? Watch what happened when a barn collapsed under the weight of snow & rain, trapping 40+ cattle. youtu.be/g77WRM8Ub6g

If you're getting married this Summer and plan to change your last name you might want to read this. http://www.stayathomesusie.com/how-to-change-name-after-marriage-checklist/

Preparing to paint part of your home? You might want to read this. http://theco-op.ca/1HNN7iQ

Insurance needs change in different stages of life. Does your insurance meet your current needs? http://www.cooperators.ca/en/Insurance/life/stages-life.aspx

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