A new home or car? Retirement? The unexpected? Investing in Versatile Portfolios Navigatorâ„¢ segregated funds provides the choice and flexibility you need to achieve your goals. http://theco-op.ca/1ykElqw

Stay safe on the water this year with these tips: http://www.discoverboating.ca/beginner/safety/tips.aspx

Storing some potting soil for gardening? Careful, potting soil can be a fire hazard! Find out how to protect your family. http://www.cooperators.ca/en/Answer-Centre/how-can-i-be-safe-and-prepared/home/potting-soil-fires.aspx

Opening your pool soon? Do it efficiently, safely and correctly by following these steps. http://www.wikihow.com/Open-a-Swimming-Pool

Have you protected yourself and your family if you get sick? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97lyltrLdms

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